Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who owns LS2.COM, and when was it started?
A:  LS2.COM is owned by Eric Boggs (dingle) and the site came online at exactly 9:00 AM PST on February 16th, 2004.  It took approximately 60 hours from the time the server went online before we opened the site for business, and we went from idea to reality in less than 5 days.
Q: What are the specifications of the server LS2.COM runs on?
A:  We are currently running on a Dual Xeon E5504 Quad Core machine with 12 GB of RAM, and 500 GB of hard drive space, and can serve up to 5 Terrabytes of data per month.  We have proven successfully that the server can handle simultaneously loads of up to 1200 users with no major slow downs.
Q:  How do you become a sponsor of LS2.COM?
A:  For information and rates, please send an email to  We are currently offering sponsorship in 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month blocks at very competitive rates.
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